Unlock your deepest love & pleasure potential to be & live pleasure-lit!

Unlock your deepest love & pleasure potential to be & live pleasure-lit!

Patricia is wildly passionate about self-love & pleasure. It is her mission to help adults to unlock their deepest love & pleasure potential for an orgasmic life through sex, pleasure & self-love education, pleasure toys, somatic (body) exercises, tantra, yoga, adult content creation & so much more.

Patricia is the Self-love Pleasure Toy Queen with a powerful & delicious combination of knowledge, tools, wisdom & personal experience to guide, educate, teach & empower you on your journey to ultimate pleasure. She works with the body, mind & spirit. Her motto is “to be & live pleasure-lit”. Originally from Germany, Patricia has made Brisbane, Australia her home. She works with clients mostly online through online courses, coaching & workshops, but also offers workshops and attends events and speakings in person. Patricia is the founder and educator of the Self-love Pleasure Toy School. She has become a very well known Pleasure Toy Queen & Reviewer in Australia and around the world with over 200+ pleasure toys, spreading her authentic delicious energy to help normalise self-pleasure & the use of body safe pleasure toys and tools to widen everyones pleasure experience.