Book recommendations

Books! OMG I m in love with books that are all about improving my self-love & pleasure experience. Over the last few years, I have read many books and I thought it is time to give you an insight of what I have read, still reading, will read next and what others recommend. This is not a full book review - though, I might do pleasure book reviews and pleasure podcast reviews, if you are interested in this. At this stage it is more a gallery & I will add short summaries over time to this space. If you have a book or podcast, you would like me to review and create some content for - email me!

This is in no particular order. Please comment at the bottom of this Blog post anything you like to add. I would love to hear about your book recommendations and what you think of any of these books listed when you have already read them. Share your thiughts with us - lets start a conversation about them with our learnings.

I get the majority of my books from Amazon. When you click on the book images you get directed to Amazon. Price wise it really depends on where the book is currently on sale. It is usually similar but can also vary.

Affiliation links might be used here, at no extra costs for you.

Now scroll though this page until you find something that stands out to you.

Book recommendations

Books for Sexuality, Sex & Pleasure

Books for Kink

Books for Love & Relationships (incl. Self-love)

Books for Mindset, Habit change & Healing

Books for Female Health

Books for Spirituality & Tantra

Books for spicy reads - Queer Smut

Books for spicy reads - Smut

Comment down below:

  • What book have you read that you can recommend? And why?

  • What is your thought & learning/take away message from any of the above listed books?

  • What book content would you love to read more of?

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Patricia Peters

Self-love & Pleasure Coach & Educator & Pleasure Toy reviewer

Lovense Ridge Review


Sex towels review